Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

  • NEW: March 25th: Food Box Giveaway in Charles Town, WV.  
    • CMI will distribute 150 bags of fresh local food at St. James the Greater Catholic Church at 49 Crosswinds Dr., Charles Town, WV 25414. 

    • Volunteers will pack bags from 10:00 AM -12:00 PM, and the Food Box Giveaway event will run from 12:00-2:00 PM. 

    • Volunteers are needed for packing bags, signing in participants, and loading food into vehicles during the event. Please contact Ellie at ellie.george@communitymarketsinc.org or 681-283-7606 to let her know that you’re coming! 

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

  • St. Isidore Market in Charles Town, WV – Thursday Evenings

    • The St. Isidore Market in Charles Town, WV, is a once-weekly farmers market featuring goods from throughout and around the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Volunteers are needed to assist with bringing food to customers, operating Point of Sale checkout processes, and assembling walk-up orders, among other tasks. Volunteers are needed from 3:30-7:30 PM.

    • The St. Isidore Market in Charles Town, WV, is a once-weekly farmers market featuring goods from throughout and around the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Volunteers are needed to assist with bringing food to customers, operating Point of Sale checkout processes, and assembling walk-up orders, among other tasks. Volunteers are needed from 3:30-7:30 PM.

  • Truck + Trailer Driver for St. Isidore Market Pickups – Wednesday Mornings

    • Volunteer(s) needed to drive an F250 truck with a refrigerated trailer to pick up from local farms and distributors within Jefferson and Berkeley County, WV. Training provided – Contact Us for more information.

  • Fundraising Specialist –  If you have experience or interest in fundraising, get in touch! We are looking to broaden our community support and want your feedback!

  • Marketing Specialist – If you have experience or interest in marking, especially in the nonprofit sector, let’s chat! We’re always looking for ideas.

  • Any special skills that you would like to contribute – let us know what you can do! We may have use of additional skills not listed here.

Click here to see calendar of upcoming CMI Events

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