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Do One or More of the Following Items to Help
Community Markets Inc. Feed More Hungry Families in West Virginia

Become a Monthly Donor – Visit our Donation Page and select the “monthly” option when filling out the donation form. Monthly donations are automatically made each month and allow your donation to be spread out over the entire year in smaller monthly amounts. No donation is too small!

Make a One Time Donation – Visit our Donation Page your donation of any amount will be used to feed hungry families in our community and put money back into local farmers’ pockets any amount helps. We honor donor intent – if there is a specific program or purpose you wish your donation to go towards, please Contact Us at the time of donating and let us know so your donation is restricted for that purpose.

Donate Non Perishable Food – While CMI’s focus is local food access, a stocked pantry is also part of food security. Donated unexpired shelf stable food will be distributed as need arises or at the next Food Box Giveaway. Food donations can be dropped off at CMI’s office or at any of CMI’s mobile farmers market.

Donate Excess Harvest – Have excess produce from your home garden? Too many eggs from your chickens? Excess product on your shelves? Reach out and Let Us Know! CMI can likely distribute it to hungry families.

Shop at the St. Isidore Market  Our weekly mobile farmers market has over 190 local foods and products available and is conveniently located in Charles Town!

Volunteer Your Time There is always something that needs done! From packing and delivering food, to driving to pick up food, to helping run the mobile market – Contact Us and see what current volunteer opportunities are! Have a skill you can donate Photography? Car Mechanic? Let us know!

Engage with CMI on Facebook Like, follow, and share CMI’s Page.

Offer Your Feedback – send CMI an email with your thoughts and questions! We always want to partner with those seeking to serve our community with local food.

Share Content Know some who loves local food and our farmers? Send this Impact Report to them or our many downloadable flyers found on our website. Word of mouth recommendations are the most powerful way to spread the joy of local food!

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